SIMCYP Ltd (Certara Inc)

Simcyp specialises in R&D informatics and predictive science methodologies to span the drug development spectrum. Simcyp conducts cutting-edge research in mechanistic models relevant to population based physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) modelling. The Simcyp Simulator is a sophisticated modelling and simulation platform used by the Pharmaceutical industry to help streamline the drug development process, contribute to the reduction, replacement and refinement of animal experiments and reduce the industry’s drug development costs and time. Contained within the Simcyp Simulator are databases allowing virtual populations for North European, Chinese and Japanese adult populations to be created along with a virtual population that reflects the time dependent physiology changes in subjects who are pregnant. In the latest version of the Simcyp Simulator a virtual population for pre-term paediatric subjects has been developed. Simcyp’s active research and development team offer education programmes, practical training on using the Simcyp Simulator and consultancy services to clients around the world.

Short biography principal investigator

Dr Trevor Johnson

Dr Trevor Johnson

Head of the translational DMPK team and senior scientific advisor at Simcyp. Prior to joining Simcyp he spent 12 years working in drug R&D at Pfizer in both the UK and US. Research interests include physiologically based pharmacokinetics, drug metabolism and transport. He is the author of more than 30 peer reviewed publications and has been industrial supervisor for 2 PhD students who both obtained their doctorates.

Key persons involved

Dr. Iain Gardner

Dr. Iain Gardner

Head of the systems pharmacology team at Simcyp and leads the team developing the Simcyp Paediatric Simulator. Prior to joining Simcyp he practiced as a Pharmacist at the Sheffield Children’s Hospital.

Key Research Facility and Equipment

SIM will host secondments and provide training for  ESR’s. The seconded ESRs will be hosted at Simcyp’s office in Sheffield, UK. The research environment at Simcyp is a blend of academic   and industrial research. They will receive specific hands-on training and    1-to-1 mentoring They will have the opportunity to participate and present in highly interactive internal research meetings to get feedback on the project from the entirety of the diverse Scientific Team at Simcyp (consisting of ~45 PhD level scientists). The ESR will have   access to the following resources: R&D scientists and software developers at Simcyp offices, Library facilities: Books and Journals as well as online website and databases, Communications: Telephone and Webex. Equipment: Laptops, Matlab & Simulink licences, Simcyp Simulator licenses and other software packages as needed.

Current involvement in Research and Training Programmes

Previous: WP leader in BioSim (FP6): creating virtual human populations for ADME; Partner in Predict-IV (FP7); Partner in Neurobid (FP7): neuroscience on barriers in development. (2010- 2013); Partner in TINN2 (FP7): treat infections in neonates 2. (2011-2015); Partner in TAIN (FP7): http://www.tain-;   Royal Commission Industrial Fellowship Scheme (2011-2015). Partner in DDMoRe (IMI): Drug Disease Model Resources. (2011-2016); WP leader in OrBiTo (IMI): Oral biopharmaceutics tools. (2012-2017); Current: Partner and WP leader in Eu-ToxRisk (H2020), partner in TransQST (IMI2) and eTransafe (IMI2), partner in Ocuther (ITN).